Thursday, January 14, 2010

Adieu, EC

Short ending post....

Sorry guys! I haven't been a very good blog girl. (Partially because my computer decided to take a crash into the great waters of the ominous "Blue Screen of Death" Any of those with a twitchy PC knows exactly what I'm refering to.)

Alrighty. Like said up there - I'm ending this blog. No, it's not the end of my blogging.

Why? Somewhere along my online schooling, I realized: 1. I didn't have the time, 2. Nor the expertise, and, 3. I had royal screwed up somewhere with my coding and I couldn't change it. (i.e. Lady Weaver wasn't authorized to make changes by "Lady Weaver"... my first blogger account not using a gmail address.) Being my perfectionistic self, I decided to overhaul everything and move to a new url.

I shall see you all around my copper pots and travelling trunk. :)